As long as there is no last-minute cancellation or delay, tomorrow morning we will be on our way, flying from Comox to Vancouver then on to Gatwick. A friend, Liz, is picking us up there and driving us to Canterbury. We’ll visit the cathedral to receive the first stamp in our pilgrims’ credential and then set off towards Dover the following morning. That’s the plan. We’re keeping expectations in check.
Thank you everyone who has already donated to our Two Women Walking fundraiser and an advance thank you to the many who have promised to do so once we have boots on the ground. Soon -we hope.
Also a huge thank you to Jane of RW Networks who has lifted the heavy weight getting our fundraising campaign up and running and who will continue to work behind the scenes while Pat and I focus on the easy job of putting one foot in front of the other. We’re still trying to wrap our minds around Twittering and Instagramming. Facebook, too, leaves us wallowing in the unfamiliar world of social media. This is not our forte, so please bear with us as we blunder around trying to keep you - our MSF supporters- in the loop.
We’d very much appreciate your help in retweeting, sharing, liking, commenting and linking. Re-phrase - we NEED your help. Our goal of raising $1,000,000.00 for MSF global humanitarian relief programs is lofty but if enough people hear about it - we’re sure it is achievable. While we walk 2000 kms, we leave you with the key component - spreading the word. Together we really can make a positive difference in a world that is desperate for the kind of help MSF provides. The kind of help we can enable.

Good luck ladies!!! I will be checking in from time to time to see your progress.. I am very interested in the last 15 - 12 stages of the Via Francigena. 😊
Thinking about you as you are on your way. Hope your boot feel good and the weather is kind. Christinw
With all the way, Pat and Kim. Cheers, Ian